Hello, I’m Amy! I’m an author-illustrator, fine artist and entrepreneur. I adore mixed media painting, but I predominately illustrate in traditional gouache with pen & ink on paper and add additional layers of texture and interest digitally. I started my collegiate education as a Pre-Med Chemistry student (intending to become a plastic surgeon) and ended with my BA in Studio Art and Design (turns out I’m better at surgery on pictures and words). I also hold my MFA in Theatrical Design from the University of Hawaii and I’m especially fond of Asian Theatre, musicals, costumes, masks, youth theatre and puppets.
My work is bright, BOLD and usually features a rainbow of colors. I prefer illustrating animals to humans, but interestingly, I’m an accomplished portrait artist (mostly humans, and some dogs). Outside of my illustrations and fine art–I’m a costume & makeup designer, puppet maker, proud mama, flutist, extrovert and a BIG talker. I’m a lover of beaches, running, dogs, coffee, tea, baking, random dance parties and reading (in no particular order and sometimes simultaneously).
My “day-job” is as a Product Designer in the Innovation Department for a Fortune 50 company. As you can see, I dabble in a little bit of everything and my journey to creating children’s books has been more serpentine than linear. I wouldn’t have it any other way! I currently live in the Atlanta Metro Area with my husband Josh and our two young children, Gwendolyn (8) and Remington (6). I’m a proud member of SCBWI and actively seeking representation and traditional publication!